


Alex has two degrees from NM Tech, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and in 电气工程.  He has taught our Taijutsu courses on and off for 3 years 现在. 亚历克斯是跆拳道黑带一级.


Dr. Stone is a Mathematics professor at NMT, but has shared his k现在ledge of wine since 2007, teaching Zymurgy (wine tasting) to thirsty Techies for 8 years 现在.


Bradley holds a Masters in Psychology Counseling from Dominican University, and a 斯沃斯莫尔学院政治学学士学位. 他目前在北京大学担任篮球教练 Swarthmore, Dominican, and the University of California at Davis.


Carrie has an MBA w/a minor in Accounting and she also has been a certified instructor 从1989年开始在各种健身场所. 她曾担任私人教练和 教授瑜伽、普拉提、产前健身和有氧健身. 她还参加了健身训练 关节炎基金会的指导.


Sifu 挖Corpolongo has been practicing Martial Arts 自1979年以来 and teaching Martial 1989年以来的艺术.  He has acquired many awards, appointments, memberships and certifications 在他漫长的职业生涯中. 目前,他在阿尔伯克基,洛斯卢纳斯和加州任教 罗.


戈比Benalil has a Masters in Music from UNM in Vocal Performance and has participated in many performances like "Larina" in Eugene by Tchaikowsky. 她拉过大提琴 为365彩票在线过滤的室内乐团演奏.


Jenny has a Bachelor's in Fine Arts degree in Studio Art from UNM and is currently 正在攻读美术硕士学位. 她完成了教学/绘画学徒期 under Midge Grace and has worked as a painting instructor at 365彩票在线过滤 since 2006. Jenny's work sells around New Mexico and she accepts commission work, as well.


Judy is a sculptor who moved from Brooklyn to Magdalena, NM just in time.  她有 purposely lived all over the country and makes her work from discarded materials, both natural and manufactured, along with parts that she fabricates.  Her work is inspired by many different sources, from the political to the personal.  她是 a former scenic artist for the San Francisco Opera, which had an enormous effect 关于她的工作.  她是 a 2013 recipient of the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant and has had a number of artist’s residencies, from Roswell, NM to the Vermont Studio Center 到玻利维亚的科恰班巴,到科罗拉多州的梅萨维德.  朱迪的作品被永久收藏 在纽约州、佛蒙特州、新墨西哥州和加利福尼亚州. 


朱莉·约翰逊,物理学硕士,365彩票在线过滤. 朱莉把跳肚皮舞当作一种爱好 in 1977 and has been performing, directing and teaching it for the last 45 years. 她有 been the choreographer and director of the Et Alia Mideastern Dance Troupe 自1979年以来. 她有 been teaching belly dance at 365彩票在线过滤 since 1986. 她是 the adviser for Aditi Natesa, the belly dance club at 365彩票在线过滤.


Kenneth (Kenny) Gonzales, is a life long resident of the 罗 area. 他曾在 美国海军陆战队. After the Corp he has contributed countless hours serving 索科罗县和索科罗联合学校. 他有代课老师和教练 baseball and is 现在 serving as the 社区教育 Welding Certification Instructor. 


Kim has been an aerobics instructor for 20+ years, and has been certified for Spinning 自2010年以来. She also taught Aerobics for Tech and enjoys biking in her spare time.  She teaches the regular Spinning course and the Early Morning Spinning at 6:30am.


Dr. Johnson is a local physician here in 罗 receiving her MD from the University 新墨西哥州.  她教陶艺和手工制作课程.  莱斯利已经表明 her works at the Festival of the Cranes and at the Alamo Gallery.


玛吉 has a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition and teaches in the CLASS department.  玛吉 earned her first certifications in 2008, and has added hundreds of hours since then. 玛吉精通哈他瑜伽和Pranakriya. 除了在理工学院教书,她 has taught Yoga for 罗 Mental Health, 罗 Senior Citizens Center, and Yoga 德尔索尔. 


玛丽莎沃尔夫 has a Bachelor's degree in Rural Development and is an E-RYT Kripalu Yoga Teacher and owner of Yoga 德尔索尔 Studio in Central New Mexico, where she teaches a diverse roster of classes and offers bodywork as a licensed massage therapist and 认证泰式瑜伽按摩师.


Maureen switched careers from the earth sciences in 2016 after 22 years with the 新墨西哥州地质局 成为一个以慈悲为基础的正念老师. 她每天都在冥想 十多年的基础. In 2017 she trained locally in New Mexico undertaking a 9周一对一冥想课程. 2019年,她去了斯坦福大学 他们为期八周的同情心培养训练课程. 2020年,她完成了11个月的学习 的程序 应用慈悲学院 in Conjunction with the Center for Compassion Altruism 研究 and Education (CCARE) at Stanford to bring compassion-based mindfulness back to her community.


Melissa has a Master degree in Health and Wellness from Highlands University and has taught Physical Recreation courses  since 2000, Melissa has completed literally hundreds 几个小时的瑜伽训练. 她还获得了动感单车和跆拳道健美操认证. Melissa is a certified consultant on Exercise, Lifestyle & 体重管理.


Ramona's painting are seen all over 罗, including Wal-Mart, K-Bob's, Sophia's, 索尼克和其他地方. 自2008年以来,Ramona一直在NMT教授丙烯酸.


自2004年以来,萨比诺一直是PGA职业高尔夫球手. 他在索科罗教过高尔夫球 面向大学和高中学生的区域. 他拥有工商管理学士学位 来自西新墨西哥大学.


An active climber since 1991, Scott is an Eagle Scout with bronze, silver, and gold. He has been an Instructor of Wilderness Survival, Orienteering, and Backpacking, and 当过攀岩向导吗. 他是最突出和最活跃的路线开发者 and area steward in the local 罗 Climbing Community. 斯科特曾担任登山家 instructor, co-instructor or substitute instructor at Tech for a number of years. He is currently working on a state of the art rock climbing wall in our very own NMT 健身房! 


斯科特Teare has studied several martial art systems and has been a Karate instructor 在NMT工作了10多年. 每学期他还主持一个新墨西哥系 公共安全批准的隐蔽携带类. 在校园里,他是一名教授 电气工程系.


Theresa拥有NM Tech的理学学士学位.她曾是一名美术教师 1996年起在理工学院任教. A master of metal arts and jewelry making, she shows her work 在新墨西哥州的不同地点举行. 她获得了贵金属粘土认证 is a specialist in armor making for the medieval enthusiast.


Tony has a Bachelor in Science from NM Tech and is a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals since 2007, Tony is also a veteran of numerous digital 摄影工作室. His photography is shown around New Mexico, including the Festival 起重机的.


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